Monthly Archives: July 2015


Hey! Just for fun and easier next-gen-media integration, I’ve set up a tumblr blog for the 100 Year Old Food posts. Expect more old ads and other book art for now. I’ll be crossposting the cooking results between here and … Continue reading

Work Dream

Latest work dream: I was trying to troubleshoot a professor’s computer, but because it was a dream, all of the text on the screen kept changing. So I told the prof. “This will be easier to fix when we’re awake” and then woke up.

100 Year Old Food

I’ve got a fun little new project. I’ve inherited an old cookbook: the 1915 edition of the Ladies’ Aid Cookbook from the Ladies of the Baptist Church in Mason Michigan.

I’ve scanned it in, and I’m going to be uploading it in bits and pieces. I’m also going to be trying out some of the recipes as I do so, and sharing the results here.
