…rescued from our old answering machine.
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…rescued from our old answering machine.
This looks awesomely neat and wicked cool – a turntable with direct USB connection to a computer for easy digitization of old vinyl records. It’s kind of unfortunate that it doesn’t have an 78 RPM setting – my folks have a bunch of old Victrola records that might be cool to update to a newer format. On the other hand, recording them at 45 RPM and then speeding it up by 173.3% should take care of the problem.
I especially like that the low end model has an input so that you can it up to your old stereo system to more easily digitize stuff that you’ve got on cassette tape.
“The 80’s called. They want their music format back.”
It’s a historic time… Richard Nixon’s record low approval ratings are in danger, and he may have to forfeit his title of “Least Popular President in US History.” Because of this, I think it’s time to unleash the second Beulah Podcast.
Here is my rendition of her poem, “America is Proud of Nixon!“
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I did a little playing around with Garage Band and assembled a light little ditty for y’all. It’s from the Goth/Techno group AngstHämmer. It’s called “Punishment.”
Last August, I posted something about a site with a bunch of old 78 RPM records all cleaned up and available for download. Turns out that there’s a monstrously huge library of old Edison wax cylinder records all downloadble from the University of California, Santa Barbara Library. Very very neat.
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Last week on the 3rd (even though it posted on the 4th), I mentioned that I’d found a cool old game that I remembered from my college days. It was called Star Control II back then, but now it’s been open-source released as The Ur-Quan Masters. Anyway, one of the most memorable things about the game was the soundtrack. It turns out that the folks who composed the music for the game have a site of their own where they’ve posted some remixes and updates to their old tunes.
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There’s a new podcast up on the site. Basically, I’m reusing some stuff from work. It’s the soundtrack that I put together for the Hearts on Ice hockey fundraiser DVD, but without any of that pesky video or voiceover. It’s still over 5 MB, making it possibly the most hefty download I’ve put up here.
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The first of the Poems by Beulah is up and listenable. Sadly, it’s not a terribly good listen. My voice doesn’t seem to do well with either mp3 or m4a compression, so I sound like I’m speaking through a can of gravel. I’ll have to play around with pre-compression equalization and upload a new version once I’ve got that fixed.
Meanwhile, enjoy the first poem: “Daddy’s Little Dog, Tuffy.”
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I’m going to be posting some new podcasts in the next few days. They’re going to be readings from a book called “Poems By Beulah.”
It’s a difficult book to find.
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I mentioned that I’m experimenting with the whole podcasting craze for work. If you want to listen to what I’ve got going so far, you can either click the new podcast feed link over there on the right, or use this link here:
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