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Category Archives: Recipes
Image ImageTo Be a Good Cook
From the introduction to the 1915 Ladies’ Aid Cookbook
“To be a good cook means the knowledge of all fruits, herbs, balms and spices. It means carefulness, inventiveness, watchfulness, willingness and readiness of appliance. It means the economy of your grandmother, and the science of modern chemists; it means much tasting and no wasting, it means English thoroughness, French art, Arabian hospitality. It means, in fine, that you are to be perfectly and always ladies, and you are to see that everybody has something nice to eat.” — Ruskin.
New post over at the Tumblr blog! – Potatoes a la Pepper
Chicken Croquettes
Mix 1 3/4 C cold cooked fowl cut fine, season with 1/2 t salt, 1/4 t celery salt, few grains of cayenne, slight grating of nutmeg, 1 t lemon juice, few drops of onion juice, 1 t finely chopped parsley, 1 C thick white sauce. Cool, shape, crumb and fry in deep fat. – Mrs. F. H. Frazelle, Toledo.
Summer Squash – Fried
Summer Squash Fried – Cut the squash into slices a quarter of an inch thick dip in beaten egg to which has been added 1 tb water; then roll in cracker crumbs and fry upon a griddle in plenty of lard. Cook slowly until brown and tender. Turn to brown both sides. Season the crumbs with plenty of salt and pepper. – Mrs H. W. Casterlin
Hey! Just for fun and easier next-gen-media integration, I’ve set up a tumblr blog for the 100 Year Old Food posts. Expect more old ads and other book art for now. I’ll be crossposting the cooking results between here and … Continue reading
100 Year Old Food
I’ve got a fun little new project. I’ve inherited an old cookbook: the 1915 edition of the Ladies’ Aid Cookbook from the Ladies of the Baptist Church in Mason Michigan.
I’ve scanned it in, and I’m going to be uploading it in bits and pieces. I’m also going to be trying out some of the recipes as I do so, and sharing the results here.