Nordic Track!

Let me tell you about the new Nordic Track workout…

And no, this isn’t going to become one of those ‘blogs where the author obsessively catalogs their diet and exercise routines. That’s been done.

The new Nordic Track workout does not, in fact, involve a new Nordic Track. You need an old Nordic Track. One of the ones with the wooden frame and actual wooden skis. The best place to get one is from some very generous siblings-in-law who no longer use it because they’ve joined a gym.

Drive on over to their place and toss it lightly into the back of your pickup truck. Tuck a tarp around it and bring it home. It goes neatly into the basement.

That’s part one of the workout. The device weighs about sixty-or-so pounds, so remember to stretch first!

Part two of the workout is a full-body exercise. Re-arrange your basement for approximately an hour and a half, including flattening unused cardboard boxes and hauling them up the stairs and out to the garage. Position the Nordic Track somewhere so that when you step up onto the skis, you don’t smack your head into any support beams or ductwork. This is the most important part of the workout.

And that’s it! You’re done with the workout! You might want to cool down for a bit by actually using the Nordic Track… Ten minutes should suffice.

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