So, let me tell you about insomnia.

I get insomnia sometimes. The biggest reason for it, so far as I can tell, is major changes in the weather. Last night we got a nice solid six to eight inches of snow, so I wound up getting a really lousy hour and a half to two hours of sleep.

I took a photo or two of the outdoors while the white stuff was coming down. Kinda tough to do with the low light. I wound up bracing the camera on the back of the sofa and holding my breath for about four seconds per shot. In at least one of them there are streaks of light floating above the street from a passing car.

Apart from the photography, I got the house server moved over to a slightly less obsolete, but slightly more battered powerbook. It’s got the full Apache2, PHP, SVN, MySQL install, along with ImageMagick and a bunch of graphics format libraries. It’ll be the home for the blogs and the comic, eventually. For now it’s hosting an installation of PHPWiki for gaming notes and Smithee collaboration.

And it’s running the home automation software. Can’t forget that. In fact, now that we’ve got a more stable machine running the automation, I may be able to experiement a bit with timers and motion sensors. For now though, I just need to hang up the Christmas lights in the windows and activate their scripts in XTension. Nothing too fancy about those, just auto-timers turning them off and on, with a variable schedule for the weekend, but it’s nifty.

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